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asdg>> samples>> first edition

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book overview
the cover
table of contents
part I :: actionscript fundamentals
01 :: a gentle introduction for non-programmers
02 :: variables
03 :: actionscript data and data types
04 :: primitive data types
05 :: operators
06 :: statements
07 :: conditionals
08 :: loop statements
09 :: functions
10 :: events and event handlers
11 :: arrays
12 :: objects and classes
13 :: movie clips
14 :: lexical structure
15 :: advanced topics
part II: applied actionscript
16 :: actionscript authoring environment
17 :: flash forms
18 :: on-screen text fields
19 :: debugging
part III: language reference
01 :: Arguments ~ loadVariablesNum
02 :: Math ~ Object.valueOf
03 :: parseFloat ~ stopDrag
04 :: String ~ XMLSocket.send
a :: resources
b :: latin-1 character repertoire
c :: backwards compatibility
d :: differences between ECMA-262 and ActionScript