Here are a couple of cute little scripts to make pulldown menus for navigation. Type 1 takes the user to a page as soon as s/he releases the pulldown menu (using the "onChange" handler). Type 2 takes the user to a page when s/he presses to "go" button (using the "onClick" handler). Try them out:
Type 1:
Type 2:

Type 1 Code
Here's the first pulldown menu script (separated onto its own page). It works without problems on PC under IE3+ and Netscape 3+, and on Mac under IE4+ and Netscape 3+, but *does not* work on Mac under IE3. If you want a copy, visit the menu on its own page and choose "Save As" from your browser, then cut'n'paste it into your pages. For now you'll have to study the code yourself (it's pretty simple), though I might write up the technique at some point.

Type 2 Code
Here's the second pulldown menu script (separated onto its own page). It works without problems on PC under IE3+ and Netscape 3+, and on Mac under IE3+ and Netscape 3+, but *does not* work on Mac under IE3. If you want a copy, visit the menu on its own page and choose "Save As" from your browser, then cut'n'paste it into your pages. For now you'll have to study the code yourself (it's pretty simple too). I might also write up this technique at if I get time.

Revision History

  1. January 13, 1998: Posted.