about dig out!
digout was one of twelve games ice produced for procter&gamble's web-based contest, "get out and go!". in the contest, participants played a flash, java, or other web game once a week that somehow incorporated a p&g product. for playing each game, contestants received chance to win a jeep or a weekly ski/snowboard package.

the digout snowshovelling game was my personal baby. i was responsible for the creative concept, the graphics, the writing, and the flash programming. simon edwards recorded the original soundtrack (thanks simon, you the shit! :)

the version posted here includes 5 unique levels, and a repeater level. i desperately wanted to produce a version with a high-score and randomly cycling levels, and i have one almost done, but it's just a little too buggy to post, dammit. maybe one day...

revision history
june 26, 2000: posted.