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The Garden Tour last grew in April 1996.
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Some Garden Tour News
What to grow under Black Walnut trees: For years I have searched for a list of plants that grow under black walnuts, and have found about three. Part of the tour, however, asks if anyone has any more. Well, Angela Henderson has brought my search to an end. Here, thanks to her, is a list of plants which are immune to the Juglone toxin in the root system of Black Walnut trees:
anemone, jack-in-the-pulpit, lady fern, cyclamen, epimedium, dog's-tooth-violet, gentian, green hellebore, alumroot, hosta, iris, lilies, ostrich fern , forget-me-not, narcissus, lily turf, blue grasses, may-apple, Solomon's seal, Christmas fern, primroses, pilewort, nightshade, meadow-rue, toad lily, white clover, trillium, periwinkle, hickories, burning bush, forsythia, red cedar, honeysuckles, virginia creeper, mockorange, oaks, poison ivy, black raspberry, lilacs, viburnums, grape
A new person wrote in another list quoted from Fine Gardening Magazine, May/June, 1991, #19: "violets, sedum, campanula, hardy geranium, tawny daylily, monarda, sundrops (Oenothera Fruiticosa) and spiderwort. Trees that can successfully be grown near or under the black walnut are: American chestnut, golden rain tree, European beech, Japanese maple and Canadian hemlock. For shrubs, they also suggest box, privet, Rose of Sharon. They also list clematis and wisteria vines."
- Agriweb Canada, a new directory of Canadian agricultural resources on the Web has listed the Garden Tour.
- Before PointCom was bought by Lycos, PointCom rated the garden tour in the Top 5% of Websites. You can read the updated review at Lycos if you like. (They scored design above content, which I thought was a bit odd...)
- Gardening.com has included the garden tour in their "Great Gardens" list of websites. They even made an award logo for sites included in their listing:
I think the logo's a bit big, but anyway, "Gardening.com" is a nice looking site with 100 or more good links to gardening sites, and it includes critiques, which is great.
About the Tour
This is the launch page for a photo-by-photo tour through my garden which is located in southern Ontario, Canada (climate zone 4-5). The garden itself is about eight years old, and most of its development is photo-documented. Each link through the tour will show an area, describe the contents, and tell a bit of their history. Some of the pictures are quite large, so if you're on a 14400 baud modem or less, you may want to turn back now. Some of the species of plants are local wild flowers, most are cultivated perennials from other local gardeners, farmers, and garden centres. I first put the tour up in April 1995.
Fill in my questionnaireI'm taking sort of a public-opinion poll about my garden tour. If you're interested, fill in this form so I can see where your garden interests lie. (You'll need email set up properly with your web browser to use it...)
I showed you mine...
I'm interested in seeing your garden too. If you have something analogous to this photo-tour (especially in a different climate), please send me the URL. Hope to hear from you soon!
I list the stages of the tour below so you can pick up where you leave off.
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Stages of the tour:
The Perennial Garden: Year One
New Stages of the Tour
The Perennial Garden: Year Two
Twentieth Anniversary Update
See the Garden Twenty Years Later
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