a broader perspective: website production
here we are in week four, and by now you've learned many of the fundamental skills you need to make web pages. what you haven't learned yet is how to make web sites. a single web page is usually a fairly self-contained object; a website, on the other hand, can comprise hundreds, often thousands of individual images, html files, documents, code snipits, and source materials. producing an entire website successfully (and with the least amount of hassles) requires thorough planning, organization, and proper management of all the little pieces, or "assets" used on the site. we'll consider those aspects of site production during the first half of this week's lecture while exploring how you might approach creating a fairly small static site for a corporate client (the kind of site that is often called "brochure-ware" because it's simply an online version of the company's basic marketing materials). in the second half of the lecture, we'll examine more advanced uses of the table tag, and i'll introduce you to frames.

note that the guidelines for web project management described here are most applicable to a small freelance situation. web production practices can vary greatly from agency to agency, so if you're planning to seek employment in the web industry, expect to see much more involved, and possibly quite different approaches to large-scale site construction. that said, the following info should give you an idea of the issues you'll need to learn to handle if you intend to create sites for a living.

brainstorming with the client
start by having a few very practical meetings with your client to establish the "scope" of the site you're going to build. what kinds of things will be included? explore anything that comes to mind. take a look at sites in the client's industry for comparison. see what the client thinks of the competitors sites. have the client throw out as many ideas as they can of what they'd like to see on their site. then suggest more yourself. consider some general categories of content--things like press releases, product info, contact info, investor content, company history, profiles of key staff, employment opportunities, product support faqs, partners, testimonials, etc. also discuss specific items that the client knows they want included (eg. promo material to back up a specific ad campaign). for general categories, figure out what content the client already has and what will have to be produced specifically for the site. perhaps have early discussions about the format of the client's existing content. get a sense of the scope of each content category by considering what might go into it, without getting too hung up on whether or not it will end up in that specific category on the final site. at the brainstorming stage, don't worry about the site's final structure. just get all the pieces of the puzzle out on the table. what you want to arrive at is a list of everything that might appear somewhere on the site.

consider the audience
find out up front who the client wants to address. a site for consumers is different than a site for dealers or investors. the primary audience will determine the positioning of the information you present on the site, and very often the technological level and design style. having the client state specifically who they want to direct their site at will help you rationalize decisions with them throughout the production process.

document the project
always keep the client aware of what you're building for them by writing it down and sending it to them. properly documenting a website is an extremely important part of building it. in fact, to learn how to document the production of large websites, you could easily end up taking a whole course in web project management. i'm not going to go into heavy detail on the topic here (i won't even touch budgets, schedules, proposals, invoices, etc), but i do recommend that even for small jobs you have at least the following documents to support your project:

  1. a project scope. initially, use your discussions of audience and content to produce a scope document that outlines what you're considering for the site's content. as you remove things, organize things, and add things, update the scope and resend it to the client. the scope document should eventually evolve into a detailed account of everything you plan to produce for the site. ideally you shouldn't start producing any of the site until the scope has been finalized and the client has agreed that it accurately describes what they want.
  2. a technical spec. identify the target browsers, connection speed, hardware, and operating systems you intend the site to be viewed on. if the site uses plugins, list them too. also specify the technologies you'll be using on the site, with special attention to any limitations those technologies may have (eg. "a rollover effect will be achieved on graphical navigation buttons with javascript. this effect will not be functional under internet explorer 3, but will not prevent the use of the buttons in that browser.") a good technical spec will keep you accountable for only the things you can actually produce.
  3. a site blueprint. (see below)

if you're giddy to know more about the project management of websites, you might want to pick up a copy of david siegel's book on the topic.

producing a blueprint of the site
before you even turn a computer on, you need to establish a clear picture of the site you're building. through your brainstorming sessions, you've arrived at a list of the content that will be on the site. now it's time to start categorizing it into logical sections that will actually form the navigation tree for the site. the categorical breakdown of all the content on a site is known as the "site architecture". and the document that describes the site's architecture is often called a "site blueprint". visually, a site blueprint is simply a flowchart that outlines the sections and pages on the site:

each box in the blueprint represents an actual page, and has a unique number that identifies it ("2.1", "2.2" etc). lines connecting boxes indicate the primary linking structure (additional links can be described in a site "script" or "paper prototype", both of which are page-by-page accounts of the site's content). the words used in the blueprint should reflect the actual text to be used on the site's interface.

a site blueprint gives a sense of the website as a whole, and helps you and the client visualize the structure of the content contained in the site. during production, you can use the blueprint as a guide to follow when you design the site's navigation and when you build each page. the blueprint, though, is really just a quick reference sheet...it is also wise to create a site script that lists, in full detail, the features of each of the pages shown in the blueprint, including:

like the scope document, the blueprint should be finalized with the client before production begins. keep track of changes to the blueprint by versioning the document. to produce your blueprints you may want to look into flowcharting software like visio or macflow/winflow.

setting up your working environment
during the making of your website you're going to accumulate a multitude of files. in order to work efficiently, prevent version control problems, and deliver a professional product to a client, you'll need to organize the assets you use to create your site. if you're working as an independent and your jobs aren't too big, you likely won't be using formal version control software (like microsoft's visual source safe), so the easiest way to keep track of everything is to come up with a consistent, structured job folder that you use for every site you produce. over the years, i've developed a structure i like to use that always varies, but usually starts something like this:

here are some key things to note about the above structure: 1) never keep your original site designs (eg. your photoshop files) in the same place as the site you are creating. keep them in the artwork folder. 2) produce your flash movies in their own folder so the .fla files don't clutter up your site folder. 3) keep your site-in-progress separate from any site versions you deliver to the client. the delivery sites folder should *only* contain the versions of the site you have sent to the client. whenever you need to deliver a product to the client, move the files to the delivery sites folder, and date them. 4) keep all the images for your site in one folder, not sprinkled across all the folders that contain the pages they are used on.

creating a site skeleton
once you've reached a final site blueprint, and you have your job folder set up, you can produce a working "skeleton" of the site that consists only of hypertext links. here's an example of what an initial site skeleton might look like. the skeleton lets you feel what it's like to move around the site, and can help a client better understand the blueprint and scope document. often a site skeleton can expose problems in the site architecture that aren't obvious on paper, and *before* you've spent hours working out the design of the interface. by moving around the sample above, for instance, you may have felt the need to go directly to a specific press release right from the "newsroom" page, rather than from the "press releases" page. perhaps the "press releases" page itself is redundant. also, there's a lot of clicking in our example. maybe the main sections should be available from all pages. furthermore, when you navigate from investor info to press releases, you have no way back to investor info. a site skeleton will help you discover those nuances.

as you collect content for the site, it's a good idea to actually place it on the skeleton. in theory anyway, you shouldn't start designing the site until the skeleton is complete, including all finalized copy for the site. this lofty ideal can often break-down under tight deadlines, but it's worth fighting for--you'll have a much easier time making changes to copy and structure while the site still has no graphical skin. and clients will have a real deliverable they can examine and provide feedback on before the final site is produced.

file naming conventions
once you start actually building the site, you'll have to determine the names you'll be giving the html and image files. here are some basic principles that will get you started:

  1. most importantly, never use CAPITAL LETTERS in a file name, and never use any special character in a file name. use only use numbers, letters, and dashes (some people use underscores: _ ). *never, ever, ever* use spaces in a filename. don't be fooled by the fact that your browser will display your page happily when it's on your hard drive. when you publish your material to a web server, you'll more than likely encounter problems.
  2. give things real, descriptive names, eg. "investor-info.html" not "invinf.html"
  3. put prefixes on images of a specific type. for buttons, use "butt-" or "b-", so your button image names will all be of the format "b-products.gif", "b-contact.gif". name the button exactly after the words on it so it's easier to find different button images and embed them on your pages. you can then also use the name to determine the alt-text for the image without opening the image itself. for page mastheads, use "mast-" or "m-", as in "m-products.gif". as you can see, you're going to have competition for some file names, so using prefixes helps keep some semblance of order.
  4. remember that the file called "index.html" in a folder is the page the browser will display if a user enters only the folder name as the url (eg. www.moock.org/webdesign/ rather than www.moock.org/webdesign/week4.html). you can use that little fact to your advantage: model the folder structure of your site after the architecture of your site blueprint. then always name the main-pages in each folder "index.html". your site will provide easier to remember urls for users, and cleaner urls for use in marketing materials.
  5. macintosh users re-read rule number 1 ten times.

absolute and relative paths
all files on computers have addresses which indicate their locations. for example, on a windows-based pc, a file called "resume.doc" located outside of all directories on the computer's primary hard drive could be referred to in writing like this: c:\resume.doc. the location of any file on a computer is known as its "path". paths come in two flavours: absolute, and relative. an absolute path describes the route you'd have to take (through folders when necessary) to get to a file starting from the top level of the device which contains the file (eg. "c:\applications\games\quake\help.html").

on the web, we use paths (or "addresses" or "urls") all the time to request pages in our web browser. for instance "www.moock.org/webdesign/lectures/week4.html" lists the path to the page you're reading now. the "www.moock.org" specifies the device on which the file physically resides (in this case, a web server), while "/webdesign/lectures/" indicates the folders that contain the file on that device; finally "week4.html" refers to the name of the file itself. this kind of path is known as an "absolute path" because it includes a reference to the device on which the file is located (the web server). in page building, you use paths as the value of the "HREF" attribute of the <A> tag to link between files. you can use absolute paths in links but only if the device in the path is accessible to the browser when the file is requested. when an absolute path refers to a webserver, we expect the device to always be available, so a link like this is perfectly fine:

<A HREF="http://www.moock.org/webdesign/lectures/week4.html">this week's notes</A>

however, some absolute paths contain references to devices that are only present when you're working on your computer locally:

<A HREF="file:///c|/data/sites/moock.org/webdesign/lectures/week4.html">this week's notes</A>

if you use absolute paths like that, your links will be broken when you post your pages to the web because your hard drive (the "c|") isn't accessible over the web.

so what do you do when you want to produce a site on your hard drive that will also work when you post it to the web? well, if you wanted to, you could use absolute paths of the "http://www.yourdomain.com" kind in all your links and then post your pages to your specified web server every time you wanted to view them. obviously that gets a bit tedious. also, you've got a lot of work on your hands if you ever want to move your pages to a new site because you'll have to change all the link references from the name of your old site to the name of your new one. so absolute paths generally aren't appropriate when you're linking to files on your own site (though you use them when linking to pages on other sites).

if you can't use absolute paths, what do you use instead? relative paths. relative paths let you specify the location of a file not in relation to a physical device (ie. a webserver, or your hard drive), but in relation to another file.

here's how relative paths work...suppose you have a page called widget.html in a directory called products and a page called help.html in a directory called support:

to link from the page widget.html to the page help.html, you have to indicate not only the name of the page you're linking to (help.html), and the name of the folder it lives in (support), but also its location relative to widget.html, the file you're linking from. to do that you use a special, easy to use syntax invented just for the purpose. in our widget.html -> help.html example, the help.html file lives in a directory one level above the widget.html file. a relative path always describes the connection between the two files in the link by starting with the file we're linking from (widget.html), so we first have to state that /support/ is one folder up from our file's current location--we do that using two periods and a slash, like this: ../ . next we simply state the name of the folder in which the help.html file resides: support . then we add another slash: / . a slash divides the name of a folder from the name of the next folder or from the name of a file. finally, we simply state the name of the file: help.html . so the final relative path from widget.html to help.html looks like this:

<A HREF="../support/help.html">view the help page</A>

to go up two directories, simply use "../../". for three, use "../../../", and so on.

now if the support directory had been located inside the products directory, we'd have had an easier time building the relative path. to link to files below the location of the current file, simply state the name of the first directory without any initial slash, then give the rest of the path as usual (eg. "support/help.html"). relative paths are recommended for all links and image SRC attributes in your site.

using tables for page layout
in week 3 you learned the basics of the table tag, and saw how tables could be used to display data in rows and columns. when tables were first introduced into html, they were pretty much only intended for that. but as soon as it became possible to prevent the border of a table from showing, web designers stumbled upon what has become one of the foundations of web design--tables can be used to position content on the screen. because tables were never really intended to perform the function of a layout tool, there have always been quirks with the technique. however, through years of trial and error, designers eventually arrived at some basic approaches that work in all browsers. before you dive into learning them, remember that, theoretically anyway, using the table tag to achieve page layouts is a misuse of the tag. as of the version 4 browsers, the w3c recommends using css and absolute positioning to put your content where you want it to go. it's worth keeping in mind over the next year or two as the version 3 browsers start to really disappear. right now, though, if you want to reach the broadest audience with your site, you'll have to continue to use tables.

the famous left-hand navigation layout
you've seen it everywhere...the column of buttons down the left-hand side of a webpage, the logo on top, and the content on the right. if you can't picture it, look at this sample page. why, you may wonder, is that layout so popular? here are a few reasons. 1) it's an entirely practical limitation of the technology: because of the way background images tile, the only place you can get a strip of colour to align itself flush with the edge of the browser is on the left. 2) given the options, left-hand navigation schemes are reasonably good interface design, from a usability perspective (in other words, "it works"). 3) as the left-nav layout became popular, more and more users ended up becoming familiar with it. once a user knows something, they find it easier to navigate through. so designers who want a site that is easy to navigate produce things that look like something the audience already knows. (this is something like a path in a forest...repeated use of a trail makes it familiar, and easy to follow because you know the terrain and recognize the landmarks. heading out off the known path can get you lost and leave you feeling confused). finally 4) now that there are established genres of sites (eg. "portals" like lycos, excite, netscape, snap) designers often use a known site layout so the users of a new site identify it with an existing category.

so now you know why the left-hand nav is popular; let's see how to build it.

how to: building a page with left-hand navigation

  1. start a new page using the basic html skeleton you used in week 2.

  2. your first task is to produce the strip of colour down the left hand side of the page. make a new graphic in photoshop that is 2 pixels high and 1500 pixels wide. fill the left 130 pixels (or your desired column width) with a colour. save the file out as a .gif and specify it as the background image of your page using either css or the body "background" attribute. view the source of this page to see some sample code.

  3. start a table that has no cellpadding or cellspacing, a border of 1, and stretches the width of the screen (ie. has a "width" attribute set to "100%"), like this:

  4. create a new row (<TR>) in your table, and four columns (<TD>) in that row. this row is simply a spacer row that we'll use to force the widths of our columns to be what we want. column one contains the navigation buttons, and should have a width of 110, column two provides space between the nav and the content, and should have a width of 35, column three houses the content, and gets no width, and column four, with a width of 20, acts as a right-hand margin so the content doesn't spill up against the edge of the browser. view the source of this page to see what the code looks like now.

  5. once you've had a look at the page from step four in both netscape and internet explorer, you'll notice that internet explorer has put the columns in the right places. columns 1, 2, and 4 display at the widths we specified, and the third column, which we did not set a width on, scales to take up the remaining amount of the page (remember the width of the whole table is set to 100%, meaning it should stretch to fit the browser window). netscape, on the other hand, has the columns wandering everywhere. in netscape, the left column which should be 110 pixels wide is over on the right side of the browser window, and the widths we set for the other columns appear to be completely ignored. this is an age-old problem with netscape, and the work-around to it caused the birth of the single-pixel transparent .gif. in netscape, to force a column width to be no less than what you specify in the <TD> "WIDTH" attriubute, you have to place a graphic of the same width in that column (it works because the browser won't squish graphics to change column widths). of course, you don't want dozens of little place-holder graphics on your page, so you make a single graphic that is 1 pixel wide and one pixel high, and scale it to the width you need using the "WIDTH" attribute of the "IMG" tag.

    try it now: make a transparent single-pixel .gif, and name it "1x1.gif". place it into each of your four table columns. set the four image heights to 2 pixels, and the widths to 110, 35, 300, and 20, respectively. by setting the third image's width to 300, we dictate the minimum width of the content area of the table (you can change that to suit your needs). when you're done adding the .gifs, your page will look like this page.

  6. getting closer, right? internet explorer, which always does a good job of rendering tables, should still be perfect. netscape's version looks better, but is only correct if the browser window width is the same as the combined widths of the columns in the table. as soon as the browser window width is greater than the combined widths, the columns start shifting over to the right again.

    one last kludge will fix the table in netscape: put a WIDTH attribute set to 100% on the third column of your table. your page will then look like this page. there's not really a purely logical explanation of why that works...adding the 100% width is just a trick that caters to the way netscape renders tables. luckily it doesn't break anything internet explorer, but you never know--in some later version it might, which is why it's a good idea to keep up on better approaches to layout like css positioning techniques.

  7. at this stage, you've got the basic table structure working. now you need to add the navigation and content.

    make a new row (<TR>) and create four columns (<TD>) in it. in the first column you're going to put the navigation buttons, which are really just images that have links around them ("A" tags). wahoo, it's time to go make some buttons!

    each button is a separate image:

    but when many buttons are stacked together, they give the appearance of being a single "button bar", like this:

    notice that the white border (which is part of the image itself, not an html trick) does not appear on the bottom of the image. that's because the each button in the sequence will have a top border that will serve as the divider between itself and the button above it. the last image in the sequence is the only one that gets a border on the bottom.

    make a series of button images (maximum 110 pixels wide if you're using the example table widths). be sure to include the white border on the bottom of your last image. when you've got all your images done, place them into the first column of the row you created in step 7, linking them with the <A> tag, and separating them onto their own lines with the <BR> tag. here's an example bit of code:

    <A HREF="test.html"><IMG SRC="b-linkone.gif" ALT="link one" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="19" BORDER="0"></A><BR>
    <A HREF="test.html"><IMG SRC="b-linktwo.gif" ALT="link two" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="19" BORDER="0"></A><BR>

    once you've got some buttons placed into column one, your page will look something like this. of course, you can add other images in the navigation bar as you see fit. some sites even put text in the nav bar...if you do that, just be aware that the user can change the size of their font, and given the differences the way fonts look on various operating systems, there may be cases where your text runs outside of the navigation column or wraps inappropriately. if you're after guaranteed layout, stick with images.

  8. the last thing you need to do is add some content on the right side of the page. that's the easy part. just type your text in the third column and format it however you like. as a final touch, you may want to add another row and place any footer content for the page in that row. once you're happy with what you've got, set the border for the table to zero to get rid of the layout grid you've been working with and you're done. here's a final example that shows what your page might look like when it's complete. (to learn how to make the horizontal keyline in the example, see the other table layout examples below.)

one last note about table production: you may have noticed that the source code you've been looking at in the examples has comments in it that don't show up when you view the page in a browser. these can be handy ways of keeping your head straight when you're creating complex tables. to make a comment, use this special comment tag syntax: <!-- your note goes here -->

removing column and row walls in a table
occassionally you'll do a layout that requires some content to stretch across the borders of two or more rows or columns. to span content across either rows or columns in a table, use the "COLSPAN" and "ROWSPAN" attributes of the table cell (<TD>) tag. span columns by adding the COLSPAN attribute to a <TD>, and specifying the number of columns you want to cross as the COLSPAN value. span rows by adding the ROWSPAN attribute to a <TD>, and specifying the number or rows you want to cross as the ROWSPAN value. just remember not to define the other cells you are spanning--leave the spanned <TD>s out of the row(s) affected by your COLSPAN or ROWSPAN. here's some example code and the table it produces:

<TD>this is a test of spanning columns and rows</TD>
<TD>this is a test of spanning rows and columns</TD>
<TD>this is a test of spanning rows and columns</TD>

<TD COLSPAN="2">the content in this cell will cross the first two columns of the row.</TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="2">the content in this cell will cross the bottom two rows of the table.</TD>

<TD>this is a test of spanning columns and rows</TD>
<TD>this is a test of spanning columns and rows</TD>

this is a test of spanning columns and rows this is a test of spanning rows and columns this is a test of spanning rows and columns
the content in this cell will cross the first two columns of the row. the content in this cell will cross the bottom two rows of the table.
this is a test of spanning columns and rows this is a test of spanning columns and rows

some other table-layout examples
once you've completed your first left-hand navigation table layout, you'll understand quite a lot more about the power of tables, and the limitations web designers are faced with in making an aesthetically pleasing page. tables are probably the most thoroughly explored accident of web design ever. designers use them for all kinds of crazy tricks...some practical, others experimental. just to whet your appetite, here are four more common uses of tables as layout tools. visit each link to take a look, and view the source to borrow the code for your own pages.

an alternative to tables: frames
one of the early layout tools that was introduced into html to satisfy the needs of designers engaged in the tag insanity of the table craze was called "frames". frames allow you to slice up the browser window vertically or horizontally so you can present more than one page at a time (each of the divisions you create can contain a different page). each division, or "frame" can have its own scroll bar. here's an example of what a frames page can look like.

creating a frames page
a frames document consists of two components: 1) the page that describes the layout of the frame structure, and 2) the pages that are displayed in the frames themselves. there's nothing special about the pages that are displayed in the frames...they're just normal web pages like you've already been making. however, the page that describes the frame structure, or the "frameset page", departs slightly from the basic html page skeleton. instead of using a <BODY> tag to contain its content, the frameset page uses the <FRAMESET> tag. so the skeleton for a frameset page would look like this (note the minor change to the DOCTYPE which indicates which version of html we're using):


<TITLE>a simple frames example</TITLE>


<NOFRAMES>content here will be shown to non-frames browsers</NOFRAMES>


to create a frame structure, you specify your desired number of rows and columns using the "ROWS" attribute and the "COLS" attribute of the <FRAMESET> tag. a <FRAMESET> tag that looks like this:

<FRAMESET ROWS="50%,50%" COLS="50%,50%">

will produce a frames structure that includes two rows, each of which containing two columns. the widths of the rows and columns are determined by the percentage or pixel quantities specified as the values of the ROWS and COLS attributes. if you want to let the browser decide how wide to make a row or column, specify the pixel/percentage value as "*", eg. ROWS="150, *". once you've got the frame structure defined with the <FRAMESET> tag, all you need to do is specify the names of the pages that should go in each frame. to do that, you use the <FRAME> tag (in much the same way you use the <IMG> tag to embed an external image):

<FRAME SRC="page1.html">

the <FRAME> tag is placed between the <FRAMESET> start and end tags. for each column in every row of your frameset, you'll need a <FRAME> tag to tell the browser what page to display there. the <FRAME> tags in your document correspond to the frames displayed in the browser from left to right, one row at a time. so in a two row, two column frameset, the <FRAMESET> and <FRAME> tags might look like this:

<FRAMESET ROWS="50%,50%" COLS="50%,50%">
<FRAME SRC="page1.html">  <!--row 1, column 1-->
    <FRAME SRC="page2.html">  <!--row 1, column 2-->

    <FRAME SRC="page3.html">  <!--row 2, column 1-->
    <FRAME SRC="page4.html">  <!--row 2, column 2-->

getting rid of the frame borders
if you've looked at the example of the frames page above, you're probably already wondering if there's anything you can do to get rid of the slightly unattractive borders between the frames. the answer is "yes!". as soon as frames were invented designers started clamouring for more visual control over them. the result was the introduction of a whole whack of frame attributes that govern the look of frame borders. over the years some attributes have been abandoned, and others have differing results in netscape and internet explorer. rather than go into exhaustive detail on the topic, i'll simply give you a sample frameset that shows how to rid yourself of frame borders (if you want to kill the scrollbars too, change SCROLLING="AUTO" to "SCROLLING="NO"):



<TITLE>your page title goes here</TITLE>

     <FRAME SRC="page1.html" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0"
<FRAME SRC="page2.html" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0"

<NOFRAMES>content here will be shown to non-frames browsers</NOFRAMES>


here's what the code above looks like in a browser.

linking between frames
if you're using frames to emulate the left-hand navigation we did with tables, you're going to have to make the links from your navigation frame load into the content frame. in order to tell the browser which frame you want your linked page displayed in, you have to name each frame using the NAME attribute of the <FRAME> tag. you could name a content frame "content" like this:

<FRAME SRC="nav.html" NAME="content">

then, to make a page display in that frame from a hypertext link, use the "TARGET" attribute of the <A> tag to specify its name, like this:

<A HREF="content.html" TARGET="content">link to content page</A>

some caveats to frames usage
if you're getting excited about using frames, be aware that they do not come without their share of problems. normal navigation with the browser's back/forward buttons can be awkward with frames. users can't bookmark specific pages displayed in frames...they can only bookmark the frameset. and search engines have a hard time collecting content from frames-based sites, so a frames site can often be less visible on a search engine than it might have been as a non-frames site. these and other problems with frames lead to an initial backlash against them. frames aren't all bad, though, and they can make for interesting sites when used with care and creativity. just be aware that like most web technology, they just ain't perfect.

revision history
sept 28, 1999: posted.


(copyright colin moock, fall 1999)