
part 1 of a four-part workshop

pre-requisite: Introduction to Unity

create a very basic chat application called uSimpleChat

download workshop files here

uSimpleChat, Version 1

uSimpleChat v1 will show how to do the following:

  • create a room using the server uconfig.xml file
  • use the client-side Unity class library, uClientCore
  • make a UClient subclass
  • connect to Unity
  • invoke a method on other clients
  • respond to a method invocation from a remote client
  • the chat application room

    recall that:

  • each application defines one or more rooms to contain its users
  • each room resides in a namespace
  • for now, we'll create the chat application room in the namespace "udefault"

    udefault is provided automatically by Unity as a convenience

    our chat application room will be called "chat"

    create the chat room

    we'll create the chat room by modifying the server's uconfig.xml file

    follow these steps:

  • if Unity is currently running, stop it (rooms specified in uconfig.xml are loaded at startup only)
  • edit uconfig.xml
  • add the following XML code to the <INSTANCES> tag of uconfig.xml:

  • Save uconfig.xml.
  • Start Unity. (On Windows, double-click startserver.bat. On Unix, run startserver.sh.)
  • use uAdmin.swf to verify that the room was created.
  • notice the <AUTOJOIN> tag: it forces every client to automatically join the room 'chat'

    install the uClientCore class library

    uClientCore is a component

    to install it in Flash MX 2004, follow these steps:

  • make folder C:/Program Files/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/[LANGUAGE CODE]/First Run/Components/Unity
  • copy /UClient/lib/components/uClientCore-debug.swc to C:/Program Files/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/[LANGUAGE CODE]/First Run/Components/Unity
  • shut down flash mx 2004 if it is running, then start it
  • open the components panel (Ctrl+F7) and verify that the uClientCore component appears
  • application file structure

    the uSimpleChat application has the following directory and file structure (provided):

    |- /uSimpleChat/ |- /deploy/ | |- uSimpleChat.swf |- /source/ |- /org/ | |- /moock/ | |- /unity/ | |- /simplechat/ | |- USimpleChat.as |- uSimpleChat.fla

    uSimpleChat.swf is the compiled client application

    uSimpleChat.fla is the source Flash document

    USimpleChat.as is the application's class file (UClient subclass)

    export settings

    open uSimpleChat.fla

    use File > Publish Settings > Formats to set the export location of uSimpleChat.swf to: ../deploy/uSimpleChat.swf

    use File > Publish Settings > Flash > ActionScript Version > Settings to set "Export frame for ActionScript 2.0 classes" to frame 6

    setting class export frame lets us preload classes and component code

    warning: components must be placed after export frame or they won't work!

    add uClientCore to the Flash document

    we need to add uClientCore to uSimpleChat.fla

    once uClientCore is added, we can access all its classes

    to add uClientCore follow these steps:

  • drag an instance of uClientCore from the components panel to the Stage
  • delete the instance
  • now the component is in the Library, ready for use

    no on-Stage instance is required

    add UI components to the Flash document

    drag instances of TextArea, TextInput, and Button to frame 21 of the interface layer

    name the TextArea instance incoming

    name the TextInput instance outgoing

    name the Button instance send

    *** very important: for TextArea, TextInput, and Button symbols in the Library:

  • select Linkage
  • then uncheck "Export in first frame"
  • (our ActionScript 2.0 classes are exported at frame 6, so our components *must* be exported at frame 7 or later)

    the USimpleChat class

    all Unity Flash applications must extend the UClient class

    recall that the UClient subclass

  • connects to the server
  • sends and receives data
  • provides access to the application's RoomManager and RemoteClientManager
  • optionally responds to remote method invocations
  • our UClient subclass is USimpleChat

    USimpleChat's methods

    USimpleChat defines three methods:

  • sendMessage(): sends chat messages to other clients
  • displayMessage(): receives chat messages from other clients
  • onClientReady(): displays the interface when the client has connected
  • USimpleChat class file

    now let's build the basic USimpleChat class file:

  • create a text file in the following location: /uSimpleChat/source/org/moock/unity/simplechat/USimpleChat.as
  • edit the file with Flash MX 2004 Professional or your favourite text editor
  • add this code to the file:
  • import org.moock.unity.*; class org.moock.unity.simplechat.USimpleChat extends UClient { }

    USimpleChat constructor

    the USimpleChat class constructor initializes new USimpleChat objects

    but USimpleChat has no initialization tasks of its own

    hence, USimpleChat's constructor simply preserves the behaviour of its superclass's constructor function

    put this code between the { } of the USimpleChat class declaration:

    public function USimpleChat (target:MovieClip, host:String, port:Number, configURL:String, disableLog:Boolean) { // Invoke UClient constructor. super(target, host, port, configURL, disableLog); }

    USimpleChat constructor parameters

    USimpleChat's constructor parameters specify the following information:

  • target: the movie clip on which the interface should be displayed
  • host: the address of the server to which to connect
  • port: the port on which the server is running (9100 by default)
  • configURL: the location of an optional configuration file (not used in our chat)
  • disableLog: indicates whether to show or hide logging information (we hide it in this chat)
  • create the onClientReady() method

    onClientReady() governs what happens when client is connected and ready for action

    in this version of uSimpleChat, our client auto-joins the room udefault.chat

    hence, onClientReady() just shows interface for that room

    add this code after the constructor:

    public function onClientReady ():Void { // Display the user interface for this app. getTargetMC().gotoAndStop("simpleChatInterface"); }

    getTargetMC() returns the target movie clip passed to the USimpleChat constructor

    create the sendMessage() method

    sendMessage() sends a chat message to other users

    how are messages sent? with a remote method invocation

    sendMessage() invokes displayMessage() on clients in room udefault.chat

    sendMessage() passes input from outgoing to displayMessage()

    add this code after the onClientReady() method:

    public function sendMessage ():Void { if (getTargetMC().outgoing.text.length > 0) { var msg:String = getTargetMC().outgoing.text; var safeMsg:String = '<![CDATA[' + msg + ']]>'; invokeOnRoom("displayMessage", "udefault.chat", true, safeMsg); getTargetMC().outgoing.text = ""; } }

    create the displayMessage() method

    displayMessage() displays a chat message on screen

    displayMessage() is invoked remotely by other clients

    displayMessage() displays text and client id in incoming TextArea component

    clientID is supplied automatically by Unity server

    add this code after the sendMessage() method:

    public function displayMessage (clientID:String, msg:String):Void { getTargetMC().incoming.text += "User" + clientID + ": " + msg + "\n"; getTargetMC().incoming.vPosition = getTargetMC().incoming.maxVPosition; }

    instantiate USimpleChat

    USimpleChat is now done

    we just need to use it in our Flash document (uSimpleChat.fla)

    specifically, we need to:

  • create the USimpleChat instance
  • connect the USimpleChat instance to server
  • add this code to the scripts layer, at the frame labeled "main":

    // Create USimpleChat instance and connect to Unity. import org.moock.unity.simplechat.USimpleChat; var sc:USimpleChat = new USimpleChat(this, "localhost", 9100, null, true); sc.connect(); // Wait here. When connection succeeds, the application // will proceed to the frame labeled "simpleChatInterface". stop();

    send button event handler

    lastly, we must make the Send button invoke sendMessage() when pressed

    attach the following code to frame 21 of the scripts layer:

    send.clickHandler = function (e:Object):Void { sc.sendMessage(); }

    try it out!

    the chat should now be ready to use...

    export the uSimpleChat.swf file and try it out!