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October 14, 2006

How to Use Tween in an ActionScript Project (Flex Builder 2)

To use the Tween class in an ActionScript Project in Flex Builder 2 you must include all dependent class libraries in the application's library path. Specifically, you must include the Flex framework's framework.swc and the appropriate version of framework_rb.swc, depending on the current language. The framework_rb.swc library is necessary because Tween references UIComponent, which references framework_rb.swc.

Here's how to gain access to the Tween class:

First, follow these steps to add framework.swc to the Library path:
1) In the Navigator, select the project's root folder.
2) Select Project > Properties.
3) Select ActionScript Build Path > Library path.
4) Select Add SWC...
5) In the Add SWC dialog, enter: ${FRAMEWORKS}/libs/framework.swc
6) Hit OK. Hit OK.

Next, follow these steps to add framework_rb.swc's for folder to the Library path:
1) In the Navigator, select the project's root folder.
2) Select Project > Properties.
3) Select ActionScript Build Path > Library path.
4) Select Add SWC Folder...
5) In the Add SWC dialog, enter: ${FRAMEWORKS}/locale/{locale}
6) Hit OK. Hit OK.

Bingo. Tween at will.

If you forget to add framework_rb.swc to your Library path, you'll see this error: "Unable to resolve a class for ResourceBundle". Which is just the compiler's way of telling you that it can't find one of the dependencies for the Tween class.

Warning: the preceding technique works, but it also yanks in approximately 100kb of dependent code.

Posted by moock at October 14, 2006 03:07 AM